What can I help you with?

Host Stemily Programs

Girl Scout Workshops

STEM at Home

Hey there!

I’m Emily

It’s so nice to e-meet you!

I graduated with a degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering in 2020. I was one of those “oddball” engineers - meaning I enjoyed talking and socializing with people! I quickly realized that I wasn’t meant for corporate office life, so I switched gears and started thinking about what I’d love to do. I reminisced about my summers spent leading assorted specialty camps and then it clicked - I could combine my love for engineering AND working with kids. Stemily Studios came to fruition shortly after that. I’m doing what I love and as the saying goes, I haven’t had to work a day since!

 I know how overwhelming it can be…

BUT GUESS WHAT, it Doesn’t have to!

Gone are the days of spending hours trying to learn new topics and the headaches that come with it! Our Workshops take all of that hassle out of earning badges so you can focus on what’s really important - watching your child learn something new and have fun doing it!

This is your chance -

To Change how you Girl Scout

Imagine - in just 1 to 2 hours your child could learn a new topic or skill while earning official Girl Scout badges as they did it! With our Workshops, you don’t need to spend hours prepping - instead use that time to do something you want. Parents already sacrifice so much for their children, let us help you get some of that time and energy back.