Explore Our Exciting Camps & Classes

At Stemily Studios, we believe learning STEM should be an adventure! Our camps and classes offer hands-on, interactive experiences where kids dive into the world of robotics, coding, engineering, and more—all while having fun. With small group sizes, expert instructors, and activities tailored for each age group, we create an environment where kids can explore their creativity, develop new skills, and build confidence in STEM.

How We Make STEM Fun and Accessible

Some STEM topics are hard, and there’s nothing worse than doing a hard project that’s ALSO boring. Our classes focus on things kids love so that it doesn’t even feel like learning!

Exciting Topics

Small Class Size

There is nothing more annoying than needing help on a project, but having to wait 20 minutes for the teacher to assist you. That’s why our classes and workshops are always under a 14:1 ratio!

While failure is apart of the engineering process (and a great way to develop perseverance), we always make sure that our participants go home with work models and projects!

Always Successful

Spring Classes

Summer Camps